CryUno -Ungarn schnellste uno turbo

  • hier ist die list in english

    chassis with roll-cage, wheelie bar, front-end € 1 200
    new race engine (block,crank shaft, beam,piston - my spare race engine ) € 860
    Transmission with sper and custom shaft (new 2,3 gear rings) € 760 *die diffsperre ist mit full race einstellungen, und brauch man die kurze custom antriebswelle (origial stimmt nicht) , keine torsen!!!
    weld racing wheel 8x13 (magnesium) + 2 test tyres MT € 480
    Pipercams Race Cam,Piper double spring,camshaft house complet € 440 (plug&play)
    Cylinder heads (with biggest valves, fully reconditioned after my last race) € 420
    custom exhaust manifold from Italy (38mm stainless tubes) € 420
    Coilover suspension (adjustable hight and strength) € 420
    custom clutch kit (215mm) 300+HP kevlar with flywheel € 400
    1000ccm injectors,precision (bosch style) € 225
    Tyres M&H 8x24,5"x13 in 60%+ condition € 180
    Aeromotive fuel pressure regulator with instrument (AN6) € 170
    Water to Air Intercooler (500+LE) € 120
    Vems Round WBO display € 110
    T25 downpipe 3" V-band (stainless) € 100
    Yellow Koni shock-absorber for rear € 90
    fuel rail AN6 alu (UNO/Punto, bosch style injectors) € 85
    Turbo XS Hi-Perf MBC € 80
    Short Shifter (original B&M) € 70
    Intake manifold for 60mm throttle body € 70
    custom vernier pulleys € 70
    3" V-Band side pipe exhaust (stainless) € 70
    walbro 255 inline fuel pump € 65
    twin transformer € 50
    Alu Intercooler tank (10l) € 50
    Alu fuel tank (9-10l) € 50
    coilover spring 12"x120lbs € 35
    Alu oil catch tank (withdrain tap) € 35